Alpha Mu Gamma 









Tuesday, September 23, 2003

[The following is a post by Rachel Wiegand.]

First meeting of the 2003-2004 academic year: September 17 at 5pm in NQ 134
Next meeting: October 1 at 5pm in NQ

1. Discussed requirements for AMG membership.

2. Discussed officer positions to be nominated and voted in at next meeting. The descriptions of these positions are as follows:
President –calls and runs all meetings, contacts professors and members regarding meeting times and locations

Vice-President – assists wherever necessary, assumes presidential duties in president’s absence

Activities Chairman – obtains location for meetings, prepares and distributes flyers, decides menu for meetings

Secretary – records minutes of all regular and officer meetings, posts minutes on website, updates Alpha Mu Gamma binder

Treasurer –- keeps records of all monies received, takes care of any necessary reimbursements

Historian – records the events of Alpha Mu Gamma through photography, is responsible for receiving the applications, and organizes the Induction Ceremony for new members (held in April).

3. Discussed ways to gain more recognition on campus.
~become actively involved with Student Volunteer Services
~partnering up with language clubs more frequently
~advertise beyond the walls of NQ
~add pictures of newest members/activites to bulletin board

4. Brainstormed about Harvestfest.
Location ideas:
Have two separate rooms, one for food and one for activities – use Center for International Programs, Student Center Ballroom
(needs to have a kitchen available, does it cost to have event in Ballroom when it is not catered by BSU?)
Activities/Content ideas:
Have an overall theme such as: dance, crafts, painting/art, games
Make it interdisciplinary, example: incorporate art dept/museum, speakers/profs
Each group introduces their activity in front of entire audience first then break off into separate areas. OR Have an introduction program that incorporates each group.
Divide the food into sections by country, region
Individual club ideas (done in past and some new ideas):
Classics: greek dancing, sculpture
Spanish: salsa/dance, music
French: make mardi gras beads/masks
German: polka
Japan: origami, hand clap games
(add: Chinese club & other language programs: Russian, Arabic, Korean)
Invite International Students!!!

5. Ideas for National Foreign Language Week
Toga Party (non-alcoholic of course)
International open mic nite = art displays, poetry readings, music, monologues,…

Saturday, September 20, 2003

Pictures & Elections

If you are interested in viewing or ordering prints of AMG photos, you can do so for last year's pictures from National Foreign Language Week and the Induction Ceremony. You can also view pictures from our 2001 Harvestfest extravaganza.

Officer elections are coming up. If you are interested in running, please read this entry from last year, which describes the duties of each position.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Wanna meet some cool people? Come to our meetings! We're waiting for you.

Group Photo from First Meeting of the Year

Friday, September 12, 2003

A New Year Begins

Now we begin a new year of Alpha Mu Gamma here at Ball State. I'm off to Oregon at the end of the month, so this is probably my last entry to this site. Rachel Wiegand (last year's Vice-President) will be taking over as webmaster.

It appears that the archived posts for the 2001-2001 academic year have mysteriously vanished. A few of them have been preserved at

If anyone has a desire to follow my future doings, they can do so at my personal site.

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