Friday, December 13, 2002
Okay, not much is going on with Alpha Mu Gamma right now. Actually, we're still recovering from Harvestfest, which went rather well. Johan will soon be posting pictures from the event.
Today is the last day of finals week, which pretty much wraps up the semester and the first half of the Doeden administration. Expect great things from us in the months to come. In the meantime, ponder this:
Wouldn't it be cool if BSU dismantled the new bell tower and replaced it with a gigantic lava lamp?
posted by tvindy
12/13/2002 01:43:00 PM
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Well, it's that time of year again. Our annual Harvestfest celebration will be this Thursday, November 21 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Wesley Foundation (the Methodist church on McKinley near Jackson -- click here for a map). There will be an all-you-can-eat buffet of delicacies from all over the world, provided by the faculty and language clubs, followed by various cultural activities, including Polka lessons, poetry reading by the Spanish Theatre Society, and Spanish karaoke. As always, the event is free and open to all, including non-students.
You can see photos from last year's Harvestfest here.
posted by tvindy
11/20/2002 02:14:00 AM
Wednesday, October 16, 2002
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, October 23rd at 5:30 pm. in the Student Center, room 308. This will be our first Movie Night of the year, and we have opted to show The Joy Luck Club. If you'd like to have input into what movies are shown in the future, we've set up an online poll where you can vote on suggested movies as well as make suggestions of your own. Please check it out; your input will help us to better serve you.
Before showing the film, we will once again be discussing our upcoming plastic duck release. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, the best way to learn more about it would be by reading our online press release. We also now have our own duck website located at hitchhikingduck.com. It's supercool! Bags of ducks will be available for pickup before the movie. The following day (Thursday) you will be able to pick up ducks in the main office of the department of foreign languages (NQ 138).
posted by tvindy
10/16/2002 05:35:00 AM
Friday, October 04, 2002
Our next meeting will be this Monday, October 7th from 5pm to around 8 in NQ 133. We will have a number of guest speakers talking about various study abroad programs available to Ball State students. Speakers will discuss such programs as the Far East Asia Programs, the London Center, ISEP, and Tokyo University and Sapporo University programs.
posted by tvindy
10/04/2002 05:19:00 PM
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Here is a list of our new officers for 2002-3:
President -- Johan Doeden
Vice President -- Rachel Wiegand
Secretary -- Sara Thompson
Activities Chairperson -- Yolanda Collins
Historian -- Thomas McManus
Treasurer -- Kinsey Swartz
Our next meeting date will be determined shortly, once the new officers have had a chance to get together.
The information on scholarships available to Alpha Mu Gamma members can be found here. Also the link to the site of the National Office of AMG has been repaired. Plus the FAQ has been posted.
I've added a section to the website dedicated to blurbs for people who either missed that part of a meeting or who want to explore the topic at more depth. (Check out new link on the left.)
posted by tvindy
9/10/2002 11:08:00 PM
Thursday, September 05, 2002
We will be electing this year's officers at our next meeting at 6 pm Tuesday, September 10th in North Quad 137. If you would like to run or if you would just like to vote, please come.
Description of Officer Duties
President -- Calls and presides over meetings. Coordinates the activities of the other officers. Serves as a spokesperson for the organization and go-between with the faculty advisor. Must be willing to take on or reassign additional duties when other officers are unable to fulfill them.
Vice President -- Works in conjunction with the President in an active partnership. Must be able to perform the duties of the President if the President should become temporarily unavailable. If the President leaves office, the Vice President automatically becomes the new President.
Secretary -- Is responsible for taking minutes at both general and officers' meetings. Must keep track of who agrees to do what, when and how, and should be able to provide that information when requested. Serves as our memory so we don't become disorganized and forget anything important.
Treasurer -- Keeps track of the organization's funds, including our current balance, debts, and expected future expenditures. When someone needs to be reimbursed, the Treasurer collects their receipt and fills out and submits a reimbursement form to the department. This person must be highly organized, since a mislaid receipt will make it impossible to reimburse someone.
Activities Chairperson -- In charge of planning and coordinating the organization's various activities throughout the year. This officer is not expected to plan or organize every activity, but she must keep track of and oversee them to make sure everything goes smoothly and that everyone knows what they are doing. She also has a big say in what refreshments are served at the meetings.
Historian -- The Historian's main duty is to familiarize herself with the rituals and history of the Induction ceremony held at the end of the year. She plans and presides over the ceremony and contacts the inductees beforehand to see when they will be available and what sort of ceremony they would like.
Running by Proxy
If you are unable to attend the election meeting but would still like to run for office, you may campaign by proxy. To do so, send us an e-mail at vote_me_in@alphamugamma.com. Tell us your name, office for which you are running, and your qualifications. We will announce this information at the meeting, and people will have the opportunity to vote for you. Your e-mail must be submitted before midnight on Monday, September 9th.
If you have questions/comments/complaints, we encourage you to e-mail us at info@alphamugamma.com.
posted by tvindy
9/05/2002 04:40:00 PM
Thursday, August 29, 2002
Our first meeting will be Tuesday, September 3rd at 6 pm in North Quad 137 (the day after Labor Day). We will be getting to know one another, discussing this year's elections, and revealing the mystery surrounding the plastic ducks.
posted by tvindy
8/29/2002 06:08:00 PM
Friday, August 16, 2002
What's up with all the ducks?
Have Johan and Kinsey gone quackers?
Come to our first meeting of the year and find out!
posted by tvindy
8/16/2002 11:42:00 AM